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THE WARNING – Illumination of Conscience


1. The Warning is a form of Global Confession. It will be the time when everyone will be expected to ask for the forgiveness of their sins, or face rejection.

2. Many will witness what will be seen to be a catastrophic occurrence when two comets will appear to collide and explode close to the earth’s surface.

3. The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end.

4. The two stars will collide and many will be fearful. There is nothing to fear because this is the greatest gift I bring so that not one soul is lost to the fires of Hell. Then, My Cross, will appear in the skies and not one person will fail to notice. Many will fall down in fear and a great shaking, like an earthquake, will be felt. Then will come the silence.

5. The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the fires and the flames of My Divine Mercy. The earth will be shaken with such force that no man will escape My Eyes, My Spirit or My Gift, Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time.

6. The Warning is a Miracle, permitted by My Father, to ensure that as many of His children as possible can enter My New Kingdom.

7. Every single one of My children will be shown their lives, their sins, their wrong doings and every single insult they were responsible for against their brothers and sisters, all during a mystical experience. Not one man, woman or child on this Earth will be excluded. It is important to understand that The Warning is just that. I come to warn God’s children that their sins can and will be forgiven. I come to show them what the Day of Judgement will be like. This will mean that those who ask for redemption at this stage will be saved.

8. You will see your sins and understand immediately how they appear to Me. Instantly, you will understand clearly how offensive they are and wrong. This is your chance, children, to repent. This is not Judgement Day, but a taste of what it will be like.

9. You will stand before Me alone – with no one next to you. I will show you your soul. You will see every stain upon it. You will relive the sin and then I will give you the time to ask Me to show you My Mercy. Not because you are entitled to My Mercy – but only because I decide to give you this Gift.

10. The Warning will be a purifying experience for all of you. It may be unpleasant in part, especially for those in grave sin. Because for the first time ever, you will be shown what it feels like when the Light of God disappears from your life. Your souls will feel the abandonment felt by those who die in mortal sin, these poor souls who left it too late to ask God to forgive them their sins. Remember, it is important that I allow all of you to feel this emptiness of soul. For only then will you finally understand that without the Light of God in your souls you cease to feel.

11. This great Warning is the manifestation of My Divine Mercy given to Sister Faustina.

12. This is how the final day of Judgment will unfold only this time you will not be condemned.

13. I smile with joy and happiness when I think of the moment when this great Gift of My Mercy is revealed to My children. It is a homecoming, the likes of which cannot be described. For this will be when your hearts will be filled with My Divine Love. Your souls will be enlightened, finally, in preparation for the New Paradise on Earth.

14. Rejoice when the sky explodes, for you will know that I Am truly coming into the world. At last mankind will not be able to deny Me. My Love will radiate in every corner of the world as I try to draw in all souls everywhere.

15. They will know exactly what will happen on the Day of Judgement and they will know how to save their souls because My Love will have enveloped them.

16. This cleansing will waken up My children and many more will accept the graces, with gratitude, when they are poured over humanity during The Warning.

17. During The Warning, all those who have redeemed themselves in My Eyes will not suffer the pain of Purgatory.

18. Either way the fires of the purification and suffering will be felt by all sinners. The length of time will depend on the gravity of their sins.

19. I will show Mercy to everyone who accepts the black state of their souls, when they are shown their sins during The Warning.

20. Without this Miracle, billions of souls would go to Hell.

21. Although the Holy Spirit will be poured out over the whole world during The Warning, every effort will be made by Satan to stop this global confession.

22. So then, I must remind you that you must prepare for this Event, for it will cause tremendous pain and suffering for many. It will be as if many have plunged into the lowest level of Purgatory, which purges the soul with a powerful heat and creates a terrible sense of remorse, which causes pain of the flesh. Many souls will rejoice. However, even those souls who are close to Me will also feel anguish when they have to face their wrongdoings before Me. The shame they will feel though will be quickly forgotten, as the Light of My Mercy will devour them and fill them with Graces. The souls who do not know Me at all will be mesmerised and many will believe that they have died and are being judged by Me, on the last Day. They too will rejoice when the Truth is revealed to them. Then those poor wretched souls, who relish their sinful lives, will suffer greatly. Some will break down and lie at My Feet and protect their eyes from My Light, because the pain of standing before Me, alone and defenceless, will be too much for them to bear. They will not ask for My Mercy, for their hatred of Me runs deep. Finally, the souls who have completely renounced Me and given themselves over in body and soul to the evil one will suffer a greater torment, as if they have crawled into the depths of Hell. Many will not be able to withstand My Presence and they will fall stone-dead before Me. Others will try to call out to Me, but they will be dragged away from Me by the evil one.

23. By the miracle of the Illumination of Conscience, He, my Son, will bring joy, love and hope to the world.

24. Open your hearts and let Me guide you to My Paradise, on Earth where you will enjoy eternal life.

25. The Warning will purify God’s children in preparation for My Second Coming.

26. The Warning will herald the preparation for My Second Coming.


1. My dearly beloved daughter, just as My Father prepared the world for My First Coming, so also does He now prepare His children for My Second Coming.

2. My Second Coming is the fulfilment of a New Covenant. It will be the creation of the perfect Paradise which was lovingly brought to fruition for Adam and Eve by My Beloved Father.

3. The time since My Crucifixion on earth has been painful for humanity because of the reign of Satan who has ruled the earth during this period. The pact with Satan is almost over and two events must soon take place. The redemption of the human race will occur during The Warning. From then onwards people, including those who are ignorant of the existence of God, will embrace the Truth. Others who will respond slowly to this great miracle, when the proof will be presented to them, will convert in time. They too will seek forgiveness for their sinful lives.

4. Then comes the final stage, the sanctification – the final purification so that the whole of humanity is fit to enter the perfect Paradise. This is the Paradise inhabited originally by Adam and Eve. It will only be then the Divine Will of My Father, where all people will love and respect the Will of My Father, is to be accomplished at last.

5. My Day will dawn, unexpectedly, through the signs which will be shown to you in advance.


The world, My daughter, is being given this special Gift – the Book of Truth – to show My children what they now need to do in order to prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience, which is being given to mankind to help prepare them adequately for My Second Coming.

Warning Prayer:
By simply accepting that this event may take place, they can survive it. Turn to Me and say:
“Please guide me towards the Light and Goodness of Your great Mercy and forgive me for my sins.”


1. The sun will begin to pulsate and spin in the lead up to the world as it is being prepared for The Warning.

2. They will see great signs in the skies, before The Warning takes place. Stars will clash with such impact that man will confuse the spectacle they see in the sky as being catastrophic. As these comets infuse, a great red sky will result and the Sign of My Cross will be seen all over the world, by everyone. Many will be frightened. But I say rejoice, for you will see, for the first time in your lives, a truly Divine Sign that represents great news for sinners everywhere.

3. Before this happens the weather patterns will erupt.

4. The stars will soon change and the time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close. Soon the wondrous spectacle will be seen by humanity, and there will be heard the sound of thunder, and it will seem that the two suns will collide.

5. Once again the signs will appear first. Many people will sit up and take heed when they see the changes in the skies. They will witness the sun spin like never before. Then they will see the Cross. This will happen immediately before the stars clash in the skies and when My Rays of Divine Mercy will cover the Earth. Silence will ensue so that each soul will be in a state of absolute privacy when they come before Me. Tell My children what to watch out for, because they must not be afraid. This is not an Event to fear. Instead you must all welcome this encounter.


1. The two stars will collide and many will be fearful. There is nothing to fear because this is the greatest gift I bring so that not one soul is lost to the fires of Hell. Then, My Cross, will appear in the skies and not one person will fail to notice. Many will fall down in fear and a great shaking, like an earthquake, will be felt. Then will come the silence.

2. The skies will be peeled back as if a roof has opened to reveal the fires and the flames of My Divine Mercy. The earth will be shaken with such force that no man will escape My Eyes, My Spirit or My Gift, Many will tremble with fear because it will only be then that many will become aware of their souls for the very first time. Many will feel a fire burning through their bodies as if the heat of the sun is overpowering them.

3. My Rays of Mercy will fall on every human soul, including those who will be blinded by the Light, so dark are their souls. When the sound of thunder is heard, a quiet calm will then descend over the earth and the stillness will be deafening. No sound will be heard – only the sound of My Voice imprinted on the souls of the wretched.

4. All will remain still for fifteen minutes, and then life will become like before, as if this miracle did not happen.

5. The flames of fire will seem as if a volcano has erupted in the skies and many will be fearful.

6. The rays of red fire are the Rays of My Blood, the Rays of My Mercy, given to all of you as a gift of such magnitude that no man will be able to comprehend what is happening.

7. Many will feel the earth shake as if there is an earthquake.

8. The ground will shake, groan and many will fall down clutching whatever they can for shelter.

9. Yet the ground will not open up and swallow them. For this is not a physical earthquake but a supernatural one.

10. During The Warning, all those who have redeemed themselves in My Eyes will not suffer the pain of Purgatory.

11. My Cross will appear after the explosion in the skies.

12. The great Mercy I will show you during The Warning is the solution for a New Era of Peace. Accept it and the chastisement will be averted. Reject it and only those followers of Mine can be saved. It will be too late for the rest of you.

13. My Blood and Water will gush forth so that you will all know the Truth at last.

14. So unexpected will this event be that the world will stop in great shock. When they slowly recover, many will still be unsure about what has happened. As I come, so too will Satan and the demons from Hell, who will try to devour the souls of My children.


1. My children, as soon as The Warning happens and when conversion takes place move quickly to spread My Most Holy Word. There is an urgency to this because this will be a crucial period. That is when, through the work of My beloved followers everywhere, that My children will stay on the right path. It will be the time when prayer and conversion can dilute the impact of the havoc, which will come about through the reign of both the antichrist and the false prophet.

2. In those, whose souls were touched by the Truth, life cannot, nor will it ever be the same again. They will then follow Me, My Teachings and they will convert in billions. My Messages will become their daily food and along with My Most Holy Eucharist, they will need nothing more. So strong will they become that nothing will stand in their way, nothing will intimidate them, or slow them down, as they march in My remnant army towards My New Paradise.

3. Those who pull away from Me need your prayers. They will be given more time to turn back to Me and ask Me to forgive them. But that time could be as short as a day or as long as a few years.

4. The others will be told that The Warning was caused by a disruption in the earth’s atmosphere and it will be easily explained away. But it will be a lie, for they do not want to acknowledge the Existence of God. If they were to do this, they would not be able to complete their plan to deceive the world into accepting the empty promises of the antichrist.

5. After this powerful Intervention by Me takes place, however, billions will be converted and they too will join with My Remnant Church, to endure penance for those souls who have completely cut themselves off from My Mercy, in order to help Me salvage their souls.

6. After The Warning will come a great desire to give glory to God. This will be a period of great trials; because the enemies of God will do everything possible to convince the world that The Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – did not take place.

7. Those who still reject Me will be given time to repent but not much. If they still forfeit My Hand of Mercy then I will have to withdraw. Then I will divide the just into one side and the unjust into another. One more chance then to seek redemption and those who refuse My Hand of Love and Mercy will be cast into Hell.

8. Once The Warning takes place there will be much confusion. People, everywhere, will be humbled in a way which is out of character. Many will be too distressed to go back to their place of work immediately. People in powerful positions, in governments, will question their laws. Those murderers and criminals amongst your communities will feel a terrible sorrow and despair but many will atone for their sins. My priests and My other sacred servants will immediately know that these messages come from My Divine Lips. Then they will rise and follow My loyal followers to help Me prepare the world for My Second Coming. Some among them will know that it is I who speaks to them but will lack the courage to openly proclaim My most Holy Word. In time they will be given the graces to uphold My Sacraments when they realise that they are to be desecrated. Then they will be given the proof of these prophecies. Many parents will need to instil, in their children over the age of 7 years, the importance of prayer and repentance from then on. Parents, you have a duty to teach your children the Truth. Their hearts will be open to My love after The Warning and you must keep guiding them in spiritual matters.

9. Many will convert. Many will die. Of those who will die their souls can be saved through your prayers. After that the world will calm a little and time will be given to repent.

10. Many will stay indoors for some days afterwards and many will have to fend for themselves because of the lack of services. This is why you need to prepare.

11. The conversion will be global and on a scale not witnessed since My Death on the Cross.

12. Billions will turn to God because the Truth will become apparent.

13. A calmness will descend throughout the earth as a result of this act of divine intervention given to God’s children to awake them from their slumber.

14. But the fallen angels will attack all God’s children through their dedicated army who will refuse My Cup of Salvation.

15. Their numbers will not be a match for those who follow the Truth, yet their hatred will inspire them to plot evil acts which will destroy this peace and calm.

16. The deceiver, will try to convince them that The Warning was an illusion.

17. Many will spread lies about The Warning after it takes place. They, the heathen, who are slaves to Satan will create a lie, which they will spread everywhere. Scientific arguments will be put forward to explain away the Event.

18. The Holy Spirit, thereafter present in My children everywhere, will help defeat the works of the evil one.

19. The battle for souls will then commence and it will take some time for this to reach the final confrontation when My Second Coming will bring to an end the wickedness.

20. Then, and only then, after The Warning takes place will the world be given a chance to withstand the Great Chastisement, which will follow if sinners do not repent in their multitudes. For then the Hand of My Father will fall everywhere on those who refuse to hear the Truth.

21. A Great Chastisement, the likes of which has not been witnessed since the time of Noah, will be unleashed by God the Eternal Father.

22. After the Global Confession, when most of humanity will be given special Graces and blessings, I will prepare the way for My Second Coming.

23. Only My Father knows of the dates but I can tell you that it [The Second Coming] will take place not too long after The Warning has occurred.

24. The time between the two events will not be as long as you may think.

25. My Father has given permission to herald My Second Coming within a very short period of time on Earth. It will happen soon after The Warning. All souls need to be fully prepared.

26. Prepare your souls beforehand for healthy souls will find The Warning a Joyous Event. They will not suffer because they will be in a state of grace, especially if they receive the Sacrament of Confession regularly. Their strength will help those who must go through the pain of Purgatory after The Warning.

27. You may not listen to Me now, as I plead with you to pray for souls who will be lost to Me. But, you will when this is proven to you, after this Great Event. For then I will expect you to follow Me and form the remnants of My Church. It will be then that we will all unite to pick up the pieces left, as we walk towards My New Paradise.


1. Prepare your souls beforehand for healthy souls will find The Warning a Joyous Event. They will not suffer because they will be in a state of grace, especially if they receive the Sacrament of Confession regularly.

2. Prepare your homes with blessed candles and a supply of water and food to last for a couple of weeks.

3. They must sprinkle every corner of their home with Holy Water, wear a Benedictine Cross and keep Rosary beads close.

4. Pray also to St. Michael the Archangel.

5. This is why I must urge you all to sprinkle your home with Holy Water and have blessed candles everywhere. You must keep yourselves protected.

6. Do not forget My instructions to have food which lasts ten days, candles which are blessed and holy objects in your home.

7. Ensure that you keep Holy Water in your homes and a Benedictine Cross from now on along with the Seal of the Living God hanging in your home. All of these will protect your family.

8. For Catholics among you, you must receive the Sacrament of Confession every two weeks if you wish to remain in a state of Grace. In this way your pain, during The Warning, will be mild and you will have the strength to help your brothers and sisters who will suffer a terrible pain and guilt as they try to come to terms with the illumination of their conscience.

9. Your own confession is important and you must try to get this once every week from now on.

10. The aftermath [the Great Warning] will be difficult but you must not be frightened. Instead be relieved, for the suffering is to be offered in thanksgiving for the eternal life.

11. Prepare always, every day, as if The Warning were tomorrow, for it will come upon you suddenly.

12. When your sins are revealed you must ask Me to forgive you and bow in humble thanksgiving for this Divine Gift which is your passport to eternal life in the New Paradise on earth. Remember there is not one sin, no matter how serious, which cannot be forgiven once true remorse is shown.

13. Look to each member of your own family, those among your midst, who do not follow My Teachings. Look amongst you for those souls lost to Me, who outwardly reject Me. Then I ask that you pray hard for them at this time. You must beg for Mercy for their souls. Your prayers and sacrifices can save them from a terrible suffering during the Purification at The Warning.

14. Say, “Jesus, I feel lost. Open my heart to accept Your Love and show me the Truth, so that I may be saved.”

15. By simply accepting that this event may take place, they can survive it. Turn to Me and say: “Please guide me towards the Light and Goodness of Your great Mercy and forgive me for my sins.” and I will pardon you instantly. Then after The Warning you will experience a deep peace and joy in your soul.

16. My children will need to tell as many of their friends and family of this Great Event in order to save their souls. No matter if they smile and ridicule your claims, for afterwards, they will thank you. Tell them the Truth. Ask them to open their minds. They should be made aware of what they will witness, because when they see My Cross in the sky they will be prepared. That is all they need to understand. Then they will accept the discomfort they will endure when their past lives are played out before their eyes. Tell them to review their life and remind them of the harm that they may have inflicted on their fellow brothers and sisters.

17. I urge all of you, that when you have seen My Presence and shown how sin, not only offends Me, but propels you down the pathway to Hell, that you must not turn back to your old ways.

18. Let The Warning bring you as one in Me. When you do this and pray for guidance, you will be rewarded with the New Paradise on Earth where you will want for nothing.

19. Tell those who do not believe in Me or My Eternal Father, that this event will happen.

20. Rejoice, smile and welcome Me when the Sign appears in the sky. Raise your arms and sing praise to God the Father, for allowing Me this last chance to save you.

21. Inform all those priests, nuns, bishops and other denominations, who believe in My Eternal Father, to listen to My Word.

22. In the lead up, I ask of you this. Pray for all those who cannot find it in their hearts to accept the Truth of My Teachings. Pray especially for those who go to tremendous efforts to deny Me, although they are aware of My Crucifixion to save them.

23. Rejoice. Pray, give thanks to God the Father, for this Great Warning. Embrace this Gift with love and joy in your hearts.

24. Pray, pray, pray for all souls now and in particular for those who will be so fearful that they may not be strong enough to accept My Hand of Mercy.

25. Finally I would like to ask all My followers to recite the Divine Mercy at every opportunity as the times gets closer now for My Great Warning.

26. I call on all those who love Me to pray hard for the global conversion I desire.

27. Help those who will not listen through the daily recital of My Divine Mercy Chaplet.

28. Offer a sacrifice, to Me your Jesus, in reparation for the sins of your families.

29. Those, including children who forsake Me, are in desperate need of your prayers.

30. You must begin by meditating on all the wrong-doing you are guilty of against yourselves and your neighbours.

31. After the Great Warning – Many parents will need to instil, in their children over the age of 7 years, the importance of prayer and repentance from then on. Parents, you have a duty to teach your children the Truth. Their hearts will be open to My love after The Warning and you must keep guiding them in spiritual matters.

Crusade Prayers:
Prayer for Immediate Pardon: Please guide me towards the Light and Goodness of Your great Mercy and forgive me for my sins.

Prayer for Key to Heaven: Dear Father, it is I, Your lost child, who, so confused and blind, that without Your Help, Your Love, I am nothing. Save me through the Love of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and give me the Key to Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen.

Remember what I tell you now. On that day (Illumination of Conscience), I want you to ask Me:
“Jesus, I beg for Mercy for all those who reject You and who are in most need of Your help. Amen”

Crusade Prayer (24) Plenary Indulgence for Absolution – (“You must say this prayer for seven consecutive days and I, your Jesus, will grant you pardon.” Jesus will forgive your sins!):

O My Jesus you are the light of the earth. You are the flame that touches all souls. Your mercy and love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the sacrifice you made by your death on the cross yet we know that your love for us is greater than the love we hold for you. Grant us O Lord the gift of humility so that we are deserving of your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so we can march forth and lead your army to proclaim the truth of your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honour You. We Praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to you to save souls. We love you Jesus. Have Mercy on all your children wherever they may be. AMEN.

Pray this Crusade Prayer (55) to Prepare for The Warning

O my Dear Jesus. Please open the hearts of all God’s children to the gift of your Great Mercy. Help them to accept Your Divine Mercy with love and gratitude. Enable them to become humble before You and beg for the forgiveness of their sins so that they can become part of Your Glorious Kingdom. Amen

Crusade Prayer (60) Prayer for conversion of families during The Warning:

O dear Sweet Jesus, I beg for Mercy for the souls of my family (name them here). I offer you my sufferings, my trials and my prayers to save their souls from the spirit of darkness. Let not one of these, Your children denounce You or Reject Your Hand of Mercy. Open their hearts to entwine with Your Sacred Heart so that they can seek the forgiveness necessary to save them from the fires of Hell. Give them the chance to make amends so that they can be converted with the Rays of Your Divine Mercy. Amen.

Crusade of Prayer (16) To accept Graces offered during The Warning:

O my Jesus, keep me strong during this trial of Your Great Mercy. Give me the graces needed to become little in Your Eyes. Open my eyes to the Truth of Your promise of Eternal Salvation. Forgive me my sins and show me Your Love and Hand of Friendship. Embrace me into the arms of the Holy Family, so that we can all become one again. I love You Jesus and promise from this day forth that I will proclaim Your Holy Word without fear in my heart and with purity of soul forever and ever. Amen.

Crusade Prayer (4) Unite all families:

Unite all families, Jesus, during The Warning, so that they may receive Eternal Salvation. I pray that all families remain together, in union with You, Jesus, so that they may inherit Your New Paradise on Earth. Amen.


Thursday, July 12th, 2012

My dearly beloved daughter let no man underestimate the impact that The Warning will have on the whole of humanity.

The Warning for many will be a frightening event, when it will seem like the world has come to an end.

Many will witness what will seen to be a catastrophic occurrence when two comets will appear to collide and explode close to the earth’s surface.

The flames of fire will seem as if a volcano has erupted in the skies and many will be fearful.

The rays of red fire are the Rays of My Blood, the Rays of My Mercy, given to all of you as a gift of such magnitude that no man will be able to comprehend what is happening.

Many will feel a fire burning through their bodies as if the heat of the sun is overpowering them.

Inside they will feel a burning heat, until the sense of realisation enables them to witness the spectacle of their souls.

Many will feel the earth shake as if there is an earthquake.

The ground will shake, groan and many will fall down clutching whatever they can for shelter.

Yet the ground will not open up and swallow them. For this is not a physical earthquake but a supernatural one.

Before this happens the weather patterns will erupt.

My Cross will appear after the explosion in the skies.

Many will weep bitter tears of remorse and sadness and will endure the pain of humiliation because of their sins.

Others will scream and curse because they will not be able to withstand the illumination, a divine sign, because of the darkness of their souls and they will resist the light of My Mercy.

They will howl with the pain of the fires of Hell as My Sign of Mercy will show them the fate which awaits them, unless they repent and change their ways.

Those good souls who love Me will also suffer for many of them will be also be stained with sin but they will receive instant Absolution. They too, will be humbled, when their sin of pride is shown to them.

Many will stay indoors for some days afterwards and many will have to fend for themselves because of the lack of services. This is why you need to prepare.

It will also be a period of suffering when souls will endure the pain of Purgatory as their purification takes place. In this way many will experience a revelation of the state of their souls and become humbled in a way in which they have never experienced before.

So many people will accept what has happened and will know that they have been given a great Gift of My Graces and My Divine Mercy.

The conversion will be global and on a scale not witnessed since My Death on the Cross.

Billions will turn to God because the Truth will become apparent.

They will know exactly what will happen on the Day of Judgement and they will know how to save their souls because My Love will have enveloped them.

They can become whole again of mind, body and soul.

My Cross will be the proof of My manifestation of My Divine Mercy promised to mankind for so long. It will be seen in the skies all over the world.

A calmness will descend throughout the earth as a result of this act of divine intervention given to God’s children to awake them from their slumber.

But the fallen angels will attack all God’s children through their dedicated army who will refuse My Cup of Salvation.

So bitter, with hearts of stone and infested with the stain of Satan, they will fight those who love God.

Their numbers will not be a match for those who follow the Truth, yet their hatred will inspire them to plot evil acts which will destroy this peace and calm.

This will orchestrate a plan to convince the world that this event was, indeed, a cosmic accident which they will say that scientists can prove. Many, sadly, will then believe this to be the case and many of God’s children will fall back to the old sinful lives they once led.

The battle for souls will then commence and it will take some time for this to reach the final confrontation when My Second Coming will bring to an end the wickedness.

My dear followers do not allow these revelations to bring fear.
Instead prepare for this glorious event and allow your souls to embrace it.

Accept this wonderful Divine Act to strengthen your resolve and to spread My love further amongst your family and friends.

Be proud of your ties to Me, your Jesus, and help Me salvage those souls who will refuse to accept My Mercy.

Go. Prepare. Rejoice for the time is close.

I love you.

Your Jesus


“O my God, my loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, my beloved Father. I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, dear Father. I console You in these times, dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. Amen.”


666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.




Petek, 9. november 2012 ob 21.00

Moja draga ljubljena hči, v samo dveh letih je bilo zaradi tega Poslanstva rešenih in spreobrnjenih na milijone duš. Samo tvoje trpljenje je rešilo deset milijonov duš, kot sem ti obljubil.

Čeprav se zdi, da se stiske v svetu povečujejo, se veliko duš rešuje preko vaših molitev.

Trpljenje v Mojem Imenu se vedno poveča in postane tako boleče, da ga je težko prestajati.

Trpljenje postano najbolj intenzivno, ko je Satan jezen. Njegova jeza se stopnjuje, zaradi tega pa so napadi nate tako zelo intenzivni. On in njegovi demoni te obkrožajo, toda ne morejo ti fizično škodovati, kajti ščiti te Roka Mojega Očeta. To pa ne zmanjša bičanja, ki ga prestajaš danes, na drugo obletnico tega Poslanstva. Toda vedi tole: ko je določeno Poslanstvo ali delo duš žrtev uspešno, takrat pride največje trpljenje.

Več duš kot je rešenih, bolj intenzivni postanejo napadi Satana. Njegova dejanja so čedalje bolj očitna v svetu. Satan, ki poskuša na vse načine prikriti svoj obstoj, je navzoč v dušah tistih ubogih ljudi, ki mu dovolijo, da vstopi v njih preko njihovega poželenja po posvetnih užitkih in ljubezni do oblasti.

Satanova moč leži v tem, da je zmožen zavesti ljudi v prepričanje, da je on le simbol, ki ga uporabljajo Kristjani, da bi razložili razliko med dobrim in zlim.

 Satan se zaveda nevarnosti, ki bi ga povzročilo razkritje njegovega obstoja. Če bi ljudem razkril svoj obstoj, bi še veliko več ljudi sprejelo obstoj Boga.

On tega ne želi, zato razkriva svoj obstoj samo tistim, ki ga častijo. Ti ljudje, ki sprejemajo obstoj Satana, ga častijo na isti način kot verniki, ki obiskujejo Maše v Katoliških Cerkvah in ki imajo v cerkvah molitvena srečanja, kjer slavijo Boga.

Toliko duš je bilo ukradenih! Bog, Moj Večni Oče jih želi pridobiti nazaj preko Opozorila in kazni, ki se bodo zgrnile na tiste, ki častijo Zver.

Moje Oče bo razkril Satanove privržence, ki oskrunjajo Njegove Cerkve.

Kaznoval jih bo. Če po svoji svobodni izbiri ne bodo prenehali s tem kar počnejo, jih bo udarila Božja Roka.

Zelo je razširjen vzpon Satanističnih skupin, ki se predstavljajo svetu preko poslovnih in mrežnih organizacij.

Te skupine so vsepovsod in načrtujejo, imajo shode ter na skrivnem ustvarjajo zlobne načrte za uničenje milijonov nedolžnih ljudi.

Uvedli bodo obliko genocida, preko obveznega cepljenja, proti vašim otrokom z ali brez vašega dovoljenja.

To cepljenje bo strup in bo predstavljeno v okviru globalnega zdravstvenega varstva.

Njihovi načrti so se že uresničili in so jih že začeli uvajati. Moj Oče je zaustavil nekaj njihovih načrtov v eni evropski državi zaradi molitev duš žrtev.

Poglejte pred seboj in za seboj. Bodite pozorni na navidezno nedolžne nove zakone, ki bodo uvedeni v vaše države in ki so namenjeni, da bi se počutili kot da bodo izboljšali vaše življenje.Veliko od teh zakonov vas bo zasužnjilo tako da se boste odpovedali svojim pravicam pod krinko demokratičnih zakonov.

Demokracija bo zamenjena z diktaturo, toda navzven ne bo izgledalo tako. Ko se bo na milijone ljudi odpovedalo svojim pravicam v imenu novih tolerantnih zakonov, bo prepozno. Takrat boste postali zaporniki.

Glavni voditelji v svetu sedaj sodelujejo skupaj, da bi uvedli svoje nove zakone. Oni so del elite katere cilj je pohlep, bogastvo, nadzor in moč. Oni ne sprejemajo Božjo Moč. Oni ne verjamejo, da jih je Moja Smrt na Križu rešila pred peklenskim ognjem.

Moram jim pokazati kako zelo se motijo. Prišel je čas, da jim dokažem Svoje Usmiljenje in Svojo Ljubezen, ki jo imam do njih.

Prosim, zmolite to Križarsko Molitev (84) za razsvetljenje duš elit, ki vladajo svetu.

O dragi Jezus, rotim Te, razsvetli duše elit, ki vladajo svetu. Pokaži jim dokaz Svojega Usmiljenja. Pomagaj jim, da odprejo svoja srca in pokažejo pravo ponižnost v čast Tvoji veliki Žrtvi, Smrti na Križu, ko si umrl za njihove grehe. Pomagaj jim, da spoznajo, kdo je njihov resnični Stvarnik. Napolni jih z milostmi, da bodo spoznali Resnico. Prosim Te, prepreči uresničitev njihovih načrtov, da bi škodovali milijonom ljudem s cepljenji, s pomanjkanjem hrane, s prisilnimi posvojitvami nedolžnih otrok in z razbijanjem družin. Ozdravi jih. Prekrij jih s Svojo Lučjo. Vzemi jih v Naročje Svojega Srca, da jih rešiš pred pastmi Hudobca. Amen.

Vaš Jezus


Sobota, 10. november 2012 ob 23.45

Moja draga ljubljena hči, kako zelo te Resnica lahko šokira!

Čeprav sprejemaš Mojo Sveto Besedo, se šele takrat ko se uresničijo prerokbe, ki sem ti jih dal zaveš resnosti tega Poslanstva za rešitev človeštva.

Uvedba globalnega cepiva, ki bo namenjeno dojenčkom in majhnim otrokom, bo eno izmed najbolj zlobnih oblik grenocida odkar so pod vladavino Hitlerja umrli Judje.

Ta zlobni načrt se bo zgodil zato, ker je veliko vaših vlad prisililo svoje ljudstvo, da so sprejeli spremembe v svojih zakonih in tako dali vladam moč, da uveljavljajo zakone proti vašim nedolžnim otrokom.

Vedite, da je samo ljubezen Njegovih zvestih služabnikov preprečila, da bi Moj Oče uničil svet.

Moj Oče je zadržal Svojo Roko zaradi Svoje Ljubezni do vsakega svojega otroka. Sedaj je prišel čas, da končno olajša čase, tako da bo svet, ki ga je On ustvaril iz Ljubezni in v skladu z Njegovo Božansko Voljo, lahko nadaljeval v miru.

Sedaj bo uničil tiste, ki izvršujejo to hudobijo proti Njegovim otrokom. Ne bo več prenašal tega zla. S Svojo Roko bo sedaj kaznoval vse te ljudi.

Njegova Jeza bo vidna vsem ljudem, ki bodo presenečeni nad obsegom kazni, ki bo doletela zemljo.

Tisti med vami, ki ste odgovorni za grozno trpljenje vaših rojakov in sodržavljanov, vedite tole:

Zadela vas bo strašna bolezen, končno, zaradi tega pa boste vi in tisti, ki ste del ene svetovne skupine, izbrisani iz obličja zemlje preden se bo začela bitka Armageddon.

Moj Oče vas ne bo več toleriral in vam ne bo dovolil, da še naprej škodujete Njegovim otrokom. Gorje vam in tistim izmed vas, ki Ga jezite v teh časih!

Čas je prišel, da vam Moj Oče pokaže in dokaže Svojo Moč, ki bo trajala na vekomaj!

Vaše teorije o vašem stvarjenju, ki so pomanjkljive, vam bodo končno pokazane kot to kar v resnici so. Končno vam bo pokazana Resnica, ki vam je bila obljubljena v obliki Knjige Resnice, katera je bila napovedana po preroku Danielu.

Toliko ljudi ne pozna Božje Resnice! Številne dobronamerne duše si prizadevajo samo za to, da bi uživale v svojem življenju. Mnogi zapravljajo čas, ki jim je bil dodeljen v njihovem življenju na zemlji, ker ne poznajo Resnico Božjega Obstoja.

Sedaj se razodeva Resnica. Prišel je čas za obračun.

Moj Oče bo končno razodel svetu Resnico. Tisti, ki bodo ignorirali Resnico, ne bodo mogli vstopiti v Moje Novo Kraljestvo na zemlji.

Namesto, da bi uživali v večnem in veličastnem življenju, polnem čudes, radosti, ljubezni in blaginje, bodo gnili v globinah Pekla.

Vse Božje otroke kličem, da upoštevajo to svarilo.

To svarilo je morda strogo. Tistim, ki pravijo: »To svarilo ne prihaja od Boga, kajti Bog je usmiljen!«, porečem sledeče:

Približuje se dan, ko bom ločil pleve od pšenice. Ta dan je zelo blizu. Človek je tisti, ki bo moral sprejeti dokončno odločitev.

Moj Oče bo vedno spoštoval svobodno voljo, vse do poslednjega dneva, do Dneva Sodbe.

Vaš Jezus


Nedelja, 17. Junij 2012 ob 20:15

Moja draga ljubljena hči, načrti prostozidarskih skupin, da prevzamejo nadzor nad svetovnimi valutami so že skoraj končani.

Njihovi zlobni načrti tudi vključujejo novo globalno cepljenje, ki bo ustvarilo bolezni po vsem svetu in povzročilo trpljenje v takšnem merilu kot ga še ni bilo videti doslej.

Izognite se kakršnemukoli nenadnemu globalnemu cepljenju, ki bo javno razglašeno, kajti le-to vas bo ubilo!

Njihovi zlobni načrti bi šokirali vse nedolžne duše, ki se sploh ne zavedajo kako močni so ti ljudje.

Te ljudi vodi poželenje po oblasti, bogastvo in želja, da bi bili bogovi v vsem kar počnejo. Oni verjamejo, da so nepremagljivi.

Oni imajo pod svojim nadzorom banke, vlade in so odgovorni za povzročanje groze na Bližnjem Vzhodu.

Oni imajo nadzor nad večino svetovnih medijev, resnica njihove hudobije pa je skrita za tako imenovanimi »humanitarnimi organizacijami«.

Na žalost le malo Božjih otrok pozna njihove načrte.

Vedite, da bo Roka Mojega Očeta padla nenadoma in zelo hitro na tiste narode, ki ščitijo te zlobne voditelje.

Udarjeni bodo s cunamiji in potresi takšnih razsežnosti, da bodo izbrisani iz obličja zemlje.

Tisti, ki verjamejo, da so tako zelo močni bodo videli ogenj padati iz neba tik pred Mojim Drugim Prihodom.

Vsa morja bodo postala ognjena. Ne bodo se mogli skriti pred Roko Kazni, ki bo padla na tiste zlobne duše, ki bodo zavrnile Moj Kelih.

Vse do zadnjega diha se bodo upirali in borili proti Mojemu Večnemu Očetu in Nebeškim močem.

V sodelovanju z Antikristom, ki prihaja iz teh skupin, bodo spoznali svoja kriva pota potem ko bo že prepozno za njih.

Številni ljudje iz teh skupin; voditelji bank, voditelji vlad, direktorji velikih podjetij, ki so povezani med seboj in ki sodelujejo skupaj, da bi iz običajnih ljudi naredili berače, se bodo spreobrnili po Opozorilu. Torej, to je dobro.

Dan, ko bom ločil tiste duše, ki Me ljubijo od tistih, ki so se pridružili Satanu, ni več daleč stran.

Opozarjam vas: čas za spreobrnjenje je omejen. Duše, ki so najbolj potrebne Mojega Usmiljenja pripadajo tem zlobnim skupinam, ki nimajo nobenega spoštovanja do Božjih Zakonov.

Moliti morate, da bodo spoznale Resnico.

Moliti morate, da bodo prenehali povzročati stiske preko strašnih zakonov, ki jih želijo vpeljati.

Moliti morate za zaustavitev genocida, ki ga načrtujejo, hujšega genocida kot ga je povzročil Hitler v Drugi Svetovni Vojni.

Ta skupina, ki je največja po številu odkar je nastala v srednjem veku, so Satanova vojska. To skupino bo vodil Antikrist. Več desetletij so načrtovali, da bi nadzorovali banke po svetu.

Zadnjih 15 let so načrtovali, da bi uvedli Žig Zveri, čip, ki ga bo vsak moški in ženska prisiljena sprejeti v svoje telo z namenom, da bi lahko kupovali hrano.

Sedaj ko je prišel čas, da uvedejo Novo Svetovno Denarno Valuto, vedite, da lahko molitev, in to veliko molitve, pomaga omiliti večino njihovega načrta.

Dajem vam molitev za preprečitev Novega Svetovnega Reda.

Križarska Molitev (62): za preprečitev Novega Svetovnega Reda

O dragi Nebeški Oče, v spomin na Križanje Tvojega ljubljenega Sina, Jezusa Kristusa, Te rotim, da nas, Svoje otroke, zaščitiš pred križanjem, ki ga načrtuje Antikrist s svojimi privrženci, da bi uničil Tvoje otroke. Podari nam milosti, ki jih potrebujemo, da zavrnemo Žig Zveri. Pomagaj nam v boju proti zlu, ki ga v svetu širijo satanovi privrženci. Rotimo Te, dragi Oče, zaščiti vse Svoje otroke v teh strašnih časih. Naredi nas dovolj močne, da se dvignemo in da vselej oznanjamo Tvojo Sveto Besedo. Amen.

Moja hčerka, žalosten sem, ker ti moram razodeti te stvari. Moji verni morajo razumeti to kar se dogaja po svetu.

Tisti, ki ne verjamejo v ta Sporočila, ne bodo imeli več nobenih dvomov, ko se bo Antikrist razodel v svetu, prav tako kot sem to napovedal.

Združite se morate v molitvene skupine po vsem svetu in moliti.

Več kot se bo Mojih vernih združilo v molitvene skupine po vsem svetu, močnejša bo navzočnost Svetega Duha, zaradi tega pa bo šibkejša Satanova vojska.

Naj vas ne bo strah, kajti s tem preganjanjem, ki prihaja se lahko soočite neustrašno.

Če se boste dobro pripravili tako, da boste sledili Mojim navodilom in vztrajali v vsakodnevni volitvi, se bo vse to hitro odvilo.

Vedno zaupajte Vame.

Ne pozabite, da sem umrl za vaše grehe. Spodobi se torej, da Mi dovolite, da vas vodim v teh časih naproti Novemu Kraljestvu na Zemlji.

Samo Jaz, Jezus Kristus, vas lahko vodim.

Vedite, da brez Mene niste nič.

Vaš Jezus


Sobota, 13. oktober 2012 ob 16.10

Moja draga ljubljena hči, prerokbe napovedane v Fatimi se sedaj uresničujejo v svetu.

Ena svetovna vlada, ki je nastala v narodih, ki med seboj neutrudno sodelujejo, je že skoraj končala s svojim delom, ki ga bo kmalu predstavila svetu.

Rezultat tega dela bo Ena Svetovna Religija, ki bo gnusoba v Očeh Mojega Očeta.

V Mojo Cerkev so se infiltrirali sovražniki, volkovi v ovčjih oblačilih, ki zapeljujejo vse s katerimi prihajajo v stik.

Nato bo uvedeno globalno cepljenje, ki vas bo ubilo, če ga boste sprejeli.

Samo molitev bo, in to veliko molitve, v teh časih omilila vpliv te strašne hudobije, ki jo je ustvarila elitna skupina ljudi na oblasti.

Oni so aktivni v vseh delih vaših vlad. Tisti, ki vsak dan sodelujejo z njimi, dobro vedo kaj počnejo.

Tako zelo pretkani so, da bodo vsako zlobno dejanje predstavili kot nekaj dobrega, kot v veliko pomoč ljudem. Storili bodo vse kar je v njihovi moči, da oskrunijo vse stvari povezane z Bogom.

Širili in spodbujali bodo poganstvo. Tisti Božji otroci, ki bodo sprejeli njihove zakone in nauke bodo padli pod vpliv njihovih zlobnih poti.

Molite morate za zaščito, predvsem pa morate moliti za te duše, kajti Moj Oče jih namerava kaznovati. Prav vsakega od njih bo kaznoval in uničil. Brez vaših molitev bodo pogubljeni in vrženi v peklenski ogenj.

Vaš Jezus


Petek, 1. junij 2012 ob 20:15

Moja draga ljubljena hči, Antikrist že pripravlja svoj mirovni načrt, ki ga bo pričel izvajati kmalu zatem, ko bodo na Bližnjem Vzhodu vojne postale vsesplošne in kjer bosta trpljenje ter strašna stiska pomenili, da ne bo nobenega znamenja upanja.

Nato se bo nenadoma pojavil in se pred svetom razglasil za človeka miru, sijajni dragulj, ki se bo lesketal sredi teme.

Ko se bo pojavil, ga bodo imeli za enega največjih karizmatičnih političnih voditeljev vseh časov.

Njegova čedna, privlačna in topla osebnost bo preslepila večino ljudi.

Izžareval bo ljubezen in sočutje in zdelo se bo, da je Kristjan. Sčasoma bo pritegnil številne privržence, katerih število bo naraslo, tako da bo postal kakor Jaz, Mesija.

Videti bo, kot da spodbuja edinost med vsemi narodi in v skoraj vsaki državi na svetu ga bodo imeli radi.

Nato se bo zdelo, da ima nadnaravne sposobnosti. Številni bodo prepričani, da ga je poslal Moj Oče in da je on Jaz, Jezus Kristus, Odrešenik sveta.

Molili bodo k njemu, ga ljubili, zanj dajali življenja, on pa se bo posmehoval in se norčeval iz njih, za njihovimi hrbti.

To bo največja prevara vseh časov, gre pa za načrt, kako ukrasti vaše duše, kako vas speljati proč od Mene.

On in Lažni Prerok (Papež Frančišek), ta bo kakor Kralj sedel na Petrovem Sedežu, bosta na skrivaj snovala eno svetovno religijo.

Zdelo se bo, da gre za religijo krščanskega tipa, ki spodbuja ljubezen. Toda ta ne bo spodbujala medsebojne ljubezni, ki prihaja od Boga. Namesto tega bo spodbujala ljubezen in zvestobo antikristu ter ljubezen do samega sebe.

Gnusoba pa se ne bo zaustavila pri tem, kajti tedaj, ko bosta zapeljala Božje otroke, se bo pričel napad.

Nenadoma se bo od vseh zahtevalo, da sprejmejo eno svetovno Znamenje Zvestobe. Združeni svet, v katerem bodo morali sodelovati vsi ljudje.

Nadzoroval bo vaš denar, vaš dostop do hrane in vaš način življenja.

Pravila, teh bo veliko, bodo pomenila, da boste postali ujetniki. Ključ do vaše celice, ki vas bo držal pod njunim nadzorom, bo Žig Zveri.

666 bo vgrajeno, njegovo število prikrito, v čipu, ki ga boste prisiljeni sprejeti, tako kot bi vsako cepivo.

Ko vam ga bodo vstavili, bo zastrupil ne le vaš um in dušo, ampak tudi vaše telo. Kajti povzročil bo kugo, zasnovano, da bi iztrebila večino svetovnega prebivalstva.

Ne smete sprejeti tega Žiga. Namesto tega vas bom Jaz poučil kaj storiti.

Številni bodo sprejeli Žig, ker se bodo počutili nemočne.

Pečat Živega Boga, Moja Križarska Molitev (33), je vaša rešilna bilka.

Ko boste sprejeli Moj Pečat Zaščite, ki ga je svetu dal Moj Večni Oče, vam ne bo treba sprejeti Žiga.

Nihče se vas ne bo dotaknil. Vaš dom ne bo viden, iskan ali izbran za tarčo, kajti postal bo neviden v očeh satanove vojske.

Skrivaj boste morali hraniti hrano, ki bo vzdržala nekaj let. Sami boste morali gojiti pridelke, imeti lastno zalogo vode in v svoji bližini imeti vse Svete predmete.

Moja Preostala Cerkev bo rasla ter se širila, in če bo treba, vam bo dano zatočišče.

Zdaj je potrebnega veliko načrtovanja.

Tisti, ki se posmehujejo temu, kar počnete, ali porečejo: “Zagotovo vas Jezus ne bi prosil, da to storite? Mar On ne poskrbi za Svoje verne v času njihove stiske?”

Celo en hleb in ena riba sta lahko pomnožena. Zato ni pomembno, če imate le nekaj hrane, kajti Jaz vas bom varoval in boste na varnem.

Goreče molite za tiste duše, ki se ne bodo mogle izogniti Žigu.

Tiste nedolžne duše, ki bodo v času, ko bodo prisiljene sprejeti čip, v stanju milosti, bodo rešene.

Ostali morate načrtovati, da zaščitite svojo družino in svojo zvestobo Sveti Evharistiji ter Sveti Maši.

Ko bo antikrist pogoltnil vse religije, bosta edini orožji, proti katerima bo nemočen, Sveta Maša in Transsubstanciacija kruha in vina v Moje Telo in Kri, v Sveti Evharistiji.

Moje Maše se morajo nadaljevati. Tisti, ki to veste, se morate zdaj zbirati v večjem številu in začeti priprave.

Prej, ko se boste začeli pripravljati, več milosti vam bo danih, da se bodo pomnožile vaše vrste po svetu.

Na Skalo bo postavljena nova stavba, o kateri bodo trdili, da bo Moj Novi Tempelj. Vendar to ne bo držalo.

Toda, ko se bo preganjanje končalo, bosta dala Moja Preostala Cerkev in Moje Izvoljeno Ljudstvo ponovno zgraditi Tempelj, in Moj Novi Jeruzalem bo prišel dol iz Nebes.

Spustil se bo v veličastvu. V Nebesih in na zemlji se bodo istočasno slišale trobente.

In nato bom prišel Jaz. Ti, moja hčerka, boš naznanila Moj prihod. Številni bodo padli na tla ter jokali z olajšanjem, ljubeznijo in veseljem v zamaknjenosti.

Naposled bo namreč napočil trenutek, na katerega so čakali. Nebo bo zažarelo, razlegal se bo grom in zbori angelov bodo prepevali v sladkem enoglasju, ko bodo vsi Božji otroci pozdravljali Resničnega Mesijo.

Jaz, Jezus Kristus, bom prišel sodit. In Nebesa in Zemlja bosta postala eno.

Pojavil se bo Novi Veličastni sijaj, prenovljena zemlja, in Novi Raj bo sprejel vse tiste, katerih imena so v Knjigi Življenja, ki se bodo združili kot eno.

In medtem, ko se bo dovršil konec stare zemlje, umazane z madežem greha, se bo Nova Doba šele začenjala.

To je tisto, za kar si morate prizadevati. To je tisto, do česar imate pravico in kar je del vaše naravne dediščine.

Osredotočite se zgolj na reševanje vseh duš.

Zato se ne smete meniti za ovire, ki vam jih nastavljajo, za preganjanje, za bolečino, za strahoto zla, storjenega po rokah drugih. Vse, kar je pomembno, je reševanje duš.

Vaš Odrešenik Jezus Kristus


Devica Marija: “Jaz, Mati Božja, sem kot Soodrešiteljica in Srednica prejela milosti, da uničim kačo. Otroci, če me boste prosili, da vam pomagam, vam lahko ponudim zaščito pred strahom. S svojim sinom vam lahko podeliva milosti in zaščitni obroč, ki ga noben padli angel ne more predreti. Satan ne more škodovati ali napadati tistih, ki vsak dan molijo moj Sveti Roţni Venec. Če boste molili tri ali več Rožnih Vencev, lahko razširite to zaščito še na druge. Če bi samo 100 ljudi to počelo, bi lahko rešili svoj narod pred kugo, ki jo širi Satan. Zbrati se morate skupaj, otroci, in moliti, da bi se zaščitili. (Knjiga Resnice, 20. junij 2012)

Naša ljubljena Nebeška Mati Marija je obljubila, da bo rešila naš narod Slovenijo pred kugo, ki jo širi Satan, ČE se bo v našem narodu zbralo skupaj vsaj 100 ljudi, ki bi vsak dan zvesto molili tri ali več Rožnih Vencev!

V Jezusovem in Marijinem Imenu kličem vsaj 100 katoličanov v Sloveniji, da se zberemo skupaj in v Duhu povezani vsak dan molimo 3 ali več Rožnih Vence za rešitev našega naroda pred zlom, ki ga širi Satan.

Kdo se bo odzval ljubečemu Klicu naše Nebeške Matere Marije in se pridružil njeni vojski, Kristusovi Vojski, ki bo z ljubečo molitvijo Rožnega venca premagala Satana in vse demone, ki hodijo po svetu v pogubo duš?

Tisti, ki želite prinesti največje veselje našemu preljubemu Odrešeniku, Jezusu Kristusu, me kontaktirajte na moj telefon: 064 263 966 ali na mail, zato da si zapišem vaše ime in priimek, da bomo imeli evidenco (vaši podatki bodo ostali izključno pri meni, in vaša imena bodo zapisana v Knjigi Življenja v Nebesih):  [email protected]

Jezus, Marija, Jožef, ljubim vas, rešite duše!

Naj vas Mati Marija še naprej varuje v Svojem Brezmadežnem Srcu.


Sreda, 20. junij 2012

Moj otrok, kako zelo moj Sin trpi v teh časih, in kako zelo je moje trpljenje združeno z Njegovim!

Tisti, ki povzročajo trpljenje drugim, križajo mojega Sina.

Ko počnejo grozne stvari, ki Božjim otrokom povzročajo stiske, bolečine in smrt, ponovno obnavljajo trpljenje mojega Sina.

Tisti, ki hodijo po Satanovi poti, jih padli angeli pod Satanovim vodstvom zavajajo v vsakem trenutku.

Mnogi od njih tega ne vedo, zato morate moliti zanje.

Mnogi od njih se ne zavedajo, da jih uporablja Satan, da bi dosegel uničenje človeške rase.

Zelo kmalu jih bo Satan zavrgel, ko ne bo imel od njih nobene koristi več.

Moj Sin bo čakal, da sprejme te grešnike nazaj v Svoje Sveto Naročje, tako zelo usmiljen je On.

Zlobni načrti, ki jih na skrivnem izvršuje Satan in ki jih ne vidite, povzročajo žalost mojemu Večnemu Očetu. Ti zakrknjeni grešniki povzročajo bolečine Bogu, s tem ko prizadejajo bolečine svojim bratom in sestram.

Nikoli ne mislite, da bodo dosegli vse, kar so si zadali.

Jaz, Mati Božja, sem kot Soodrešiteljica in Srednica prejela milosti, da uničim kačo.

Otroci, če me boste prosili, da vam pomagam, vam lahko ponudim zaščito pred strahom.

S svojim sinom vam lahko podeliva milosti in zaščitni obroč, ki ga noben padli angel ne more predreti.

Satan ne more škodovati ali napadati tistih, ki vsak dan molijo moj Sveti Rožni Venec.
Če boste molili tri ali več Rožnih Vencev, lahko razširite to zaščito še na druge. Če bi samo sto ljudi to počelo, bi lahko rešili svoj narod pred kugo, ki jo širi Satan.

Zbrati se morate skupaj, otroci, in moliti, da bi se zaščitili.

Biti morate velikodušnega srca in moliti za svoje sovražnike, kajti mnogi od njih ne vedo, kaj delajo.

Če boste popolnoma zaupali v mojega Sina in sprejeli darove, ki vam jih sedaj prinaša po Svojih naukih in prerokbah, se lahko osvobodite vseh svojih strahov.

Satan se hrani s strahom. Soočite se z Resnico in uporabite molitev, da ublažite zlobne načrte, ki jih izvršujejo zlobne skupine, ki želijo uničiti človeštvo.

Odprite svoja srca in občutite ljubezen mojega Sina. Meni, Materi Odrešenja, izročite svoje skrbi in jaz jih bom nesla k svojemu Sinu.

Nato vas bom prekrila s svojim najsvetejšim plaščem in začutili boste moč, ki lahko pride samo iz Nebes.

Šele takrat boste napolnjeni z mirom, pogumom in odločnostjo, da postanete del Božje vojske. Ta vojska, ki že nastaja, je sestavljena iz množic ljudi, ki se nahajajo v vseh narodih.
Ta Božja vojska bo korakala do konca in ne more biti poražena.

Hvala, otrok moj, ker si se odzvala mojemu klicu!

Vaš ljubljena Mati
Mati Odrešenja


Hvaljen Isus i Marija!

Seminar Knjiga Istine će se održati u Sloveniji 20. 10. 2019., s početkom u 13:00h.

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Slava Bogu Ocu i Sinu i Duhu Svetome.


Kardinal Burke in Škof Schneider sta objavila osemstransko izjavo z opozorilom proti šestim herezijam vsebovanih v dokumentu Instrumentum Laboris, ki bo izhodišče razprave s strani škofov na Amazonski sinodi, ki bo potekala v Rimu od 6. oktobra do 27. oktobra:


Antipapež Bergoglio je izdal dokument “Instrumentum Laboris”, ki vsebuje herezije

Lisa Bourne, LifeSiteNews: Kardinal Burke in škof Schneider napovedala križarski pohod molitve in posta:



Subota, 12. siječnja 2013., 15:10h

Moja predraga kćeri, ovo je vrijeme za slijedeću fazu u Mom Planu pripreme svijeta za Novu Eru, Novi Raj, Kraljevstvo kojega sam Ja, Sin Čovječji, obećao.

Moja se vojska sada mora okupiti i kao jedan povezati u molitvi, jer se bitka za duše pojačava.

Planovi sveopćih razmjera od strane zle skupine, da se ozakone ratovi, ubojstvo eutanazijom i pobačajem, uzimaju zamah.

Plan da se uništi Katolička Crkva unutar njenih vlastitih redova već je u tijeku. Neka znaju ovo one duše na moćnim položajima, a posebno one unutar Kršćanskih Crkava, koje opravdavaju grijeh i pokušavaju ga ozakoniti. Užasno ćete patiti. Ruka Moga Oca će se pokrenuti i uništiti vaš plan.

Svaki čovjek i žena koji pokušavaju uvesti zakone protiv Volje Božje suočit će se sa strašnom kaznom. Ne samo da će biti odbačeni, njihovi vlastiti narodi također će biti kažnjeni.

Moj Otac je dovoljno trpio. On više neće podnositi takvo miješanje u Svoje Stvaranje. Zemlja će se zatresti i neće biti čovjeka koji to neće primijetiti.

Toliko je zloće. I tolika lukavost se očituje, gdje čovječanstvo uvodi strašne grozote koje vrijeđaju Boga. Zbog tih djela čovjek će se suočiti s Gnjevom Moga Oca. Mnogo molitve može zaustaviti ovu zloću. I zbog vaših molitvi odgođen je Božji Zahvat da se kazni čovječanstvo. Sada će ti narodi, čiji su vladari vođeni duhom zla, biti potpuno uništeni.

Moji ljubljeni sljedbenici, jako ćete patiti dok svjedočite djelima neposluha protiv Zakona Božjih. Morate nastaviti moliti kako bi ublažili kazne Moga Oca.

Sada, morate osnovati što više molitvenih zajednica za Moje Križarske molitve, koliko god je moguće u svakom narodu. Čineći to, suzbiti ćete rad zle skupine.

Mome strpljenju nema kraja, ali čovjek će biti kažnjen prije Moga Drugoga Dolaska za svoja zla djela. Ova kazna neko je vrijeme odgađana, ali Moj će Otac dozvoliti ekološka previranja, kako bi pročistio duše.

Ovo je važna Litanija koja će pomoći ublažiti kaznu Moga Oca.

Litanijska molitva ( 4 ) Za ublažavanje kazne Boga Oca

O Bože Svevišnji.

Molimo Te za Milosrđe zbog grijeha Tvoje djece.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru zemlje.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru ljudskog života.

Cijenimo Dar života.

Podupiremo Dar života.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru Tvoga Sina, Isusa Krista.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru Otkupljenja.

Slavimo Tvoje Božanstvo.

Potpuno Ti se predajemo, da može biti izvršena Tvoja Sveta Volja, na zemlji, kako je na Nebu.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru Prosvjetljenja Savjesti.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na obećanju Vječnog Života.

Radujemo se Novom Raju.

Molimo Te da spasiš sve duše, uključujući one koje Te muče i one koje su Ti izgubljene.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na ljubavi koju pokazuješ svoj Svojoj djeci.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru prorokovanja.

Zahvaljujemo Ti na Daru molitve.

Molimo Te da nam podariš mir i spasenje.


Kćeri Moja, ova Misija postat će još teža, dok se mržnja čovjeka protiv čovjeka pojačava i uzrokuje razilaženje.

Vjerni Božji učenici bit će u kušnji da se predaju grijesima, koji će biti zamaskirani kao zakoni tolerancije. Morate se oduprijeti svakom pokušaju da okrenete svoja leđa Istini Mojih Učenja. Kada sva svoja iskušenja predate u Moje Svete Ruke, vidjet ćete da je ova Misija za spas duša mnogo lakša.

Vaš Isus